Labels:text | screenshot | number | font | parallel | document OCR: Table 2. Statistics on some representative Melutar tutors. No. OF ATOM No. OF DISTINCT No. OF APPROXIMATE INSTANCES IN ATOMS IN No. of POSSIBLE DOMARS LA.SK DEFINITION TASK DEFINITION OPERATORS ACTIONS (HOURS] Notes Firefighting on Navy ships 3.978: 224 23 23 50 1986-1995 Test Cardiopulmonary 2,980 200 22 22 75 1988 Early project, some of its resuscitation code now unnecessary Ship-to-ship transerfers at sea 3,466 180 35 35 50 1989 Two-student tufor, each student with a worksttion and operators F-4 aircraft fuel-system: 5,152 286 8 49 75 1990 Inefficent coding malfunction Police procedures in hostage 2,403 101 27 27 25 1993 Class project situations Scuba diving procedures 2,634 125 20 26 25 1993 Class project Amphibious craft beaching 2.686 382 19 19 25 1994 Class project procedures Intrusion detection in Unix 2,667 141 16 302 50 1995 Coordinates with an systems intelligent simulator of Intrusive behavior